Lift chairs are very helpful for patients who have just recently had surgery or are otherwise suffering from general mobility issues. They can assist in a number of ways, the most important of which is to help an individual rise from a sitting to a standing position. In this sense, they are modified recliners that do the work for a person who is still recovering from a medical procedure.
The prime advantage is that it allows a person to be somewhat mobile while avoiding the risk of a serious injury. Muscles and bones are fragile after operations, and often people are ordered to stay away from situations where these parts of the body are fully responsible for pushing a person into an upright position. With a lift chair, the hard work is done by the chair itself, and the person does not risk falling backwards and hitting the ground.
Most lift chairs have multiple angles of recline. This is perfect for afternoon naps. If a person prefers to spend most of the day in the living room or in the den, there is the option to recline the chair completely for a much needed doze. One button often controls different features, and it is generally not difficult to learn how to use it. In many cases, a lift chair can become the focal point of a person?s day, and allows one to avoid the bedroom for long periods of time.
Well-made chairs move steadily and smoothly, and generally avoid sudden movements that can throw a person off balance. They also rise at an angle that brings a person to a position that is mid-way between sitting and standing. Because they are designed in this way, people can gently lift themselves out of the chair without falling forward.
One benefit of such a chair is that it is electronic in nature, but also has a battery back-up. This is crucial for those times when the electricity is out but the chair is still in use. A battery allows everything to continue working properly, and prevents the person from coming to harm if a power source suddenly becomes unavailable.
Beyond this, and possibly most critically, the person will be able to maintain a cherished sense of independence around the house. If he/she is able to transfer from a sitting to a standing position, then help from family members or close friends will not be needed in this regard. Though a person may still need some degree of help with other minor tasks, mobility during the middle part of the day will not be an overwhelming obstacle. A person can move from room to room with leisure and without strenuous effort.
Ultimately, lift chairs offer a broad array of benefits to a person who is recovering from a surgical procedure. They are primarily a device for increasing mobility and decreasing the amount of care provided by others. They offer the assistance by which an individual can gain the standing position and hence walk around the house. During the period when a person is still recuperating from an operation, this can mean the world.